Reuse dehumidifier water


If you’re like me, you’ve been running at least one dehumidifier in your house for months. And, like me, you’ve been pouring the water down the drain. Clean, fresh water. Down the drain. There’s got to be a better way.

Idea of the day: instead of dumping the dehumidifier water down the drain, use it in the garden! Water saved, plants nourished. Pour it straight onto the grass, into pots, or store it in your watering can for the days when we don’t see 5 inches overnight.

You probably thought of this years ago.

About Terra Milo

Terra Milo is Your Computer Girl. She believes that technology runs on energy, so when you're creating websites and emails, you are literally sending energy to your potential clients. Make sure that energy is confident, positive, and enlightening! Terra teaches coaches and entrepreneurs all the computer skills they need to launch their business and spread their mission in the world. From websites to newsletters to social media, she will empower you with skills and confidence so you can infuse your messages with inspiration and love.

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