Get crafty to reuse

You can create a recycled plastic shopping bag by cutting strips of your plastic bags and knitting them together to create a reduce and reusable shopping bag. Beautiful!

Here’s a toilet roll seed-starter project. Stock up now and you can start your entire garden with reusable toilet rolls!

Make a water bottle holder out of an old t-shirt.


It is critical that Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs) are recycled. They cannot go in a regular garbage. Here’s what you can do to safely recycle your CFL’s. (CFL’s last about 5-7 years)

Target sells Swheat Scoop kitty litter for about the same price as PetsMart. That will save me a trip!

About Terra Milo

Terra Milo is Your Computer Girl. She believes that technology runs on energy, so when you're creating websites and emails, you are literally sending energy to your potential clients. Make sure that energy is confident, positive, and enlightening! Terra teaches coaches and entrepreneurs all the computer skills they need to launch their business and spread their mission in the world. From websites to newsletters to social media, she will empower you with skills and confidence so you can infuse your messages with inspiration and love.

3 thoughts on “Get crafty to reuse

  1. I love the shopping bag. Wish I knew how to knit. I think the bottle carrier is pretty cool too. Today I signed up on WildOats Natural food. They are huge on the October Fair Trade issue and even have a reminder in their ad. To save on paper they put their actual ad on line so you can flip through the pages and see what you might want. Love Wild Oats!

  2. I’m going to try to make that knit shopping bag.
    On Wednesday nights in Akron (at Square Records in Highland Square), they have a Stitch ‘n Bitch get-together. It’s really fun, and all skill levels are welcome. Maybe I’ll try it there.

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